

Please feel free to read our current self-study document for the 2024-2025 school year. It includes the areas in which we feel we can improve growth, our rationale for selecting that area of growth, and to go forward with our action plan to achieve these goals. (Please hover your cursor over the boxes and then click the links to access the documents.)

You can also find information on previous accreditation visits, including educational improvement plans and the community presentation at the very bottom of this page.

For more information or if you have any questions about the documents or the accreditation process, please contact Susan Dillon at Dillon@cchsca.org.
Key Strengths - Domain 1
  • In the 2023-2024 school year, Central Catholic High School added the Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program for both students, faculty/staff, and families with 12 participants and maintained the program (now OCIA) in 2024-2025 with an increase to 25 participants.
  • Central Catholic High School incorporates prayer into each school day with a whole school prayer every morning and prayer at the beginning of each class led by teachers and/or students.
Key Strengths - Domain 3
  • Central Catholic High School does an outstanding job of developing the whole student and adhering to its mission of spiritual, academic, and social development of young adults. 

  • Nearly 100% of students at Central Catholic High School participate in co- and/or extracurricular activities. 

Key Strengths - Domain 2
  • The Boards and Catholic School Office together with the leader/leadership team have a strong and vital relationship which upholds the mission of Central Catholic High School.
  • Leader/Leadership team has a strong relationship with the governing bodies which further the mission of the school.

Key Strengths - Domain 4
  • Board members and staff are experienced in areas of business finance and operations. The finance committee is made up of strong partners from the school board, corporate board, and foundation board.

  • Our HR department is professionally staffed and supported by the diocesan HR department and the Director of Catholic Schools. 

About WCEA and WASC

Central Catholic learned of its accreditation recommendation this summer. WCEA (Western Catholic Education Association) and its co-accrediting partner WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) agreed to our six-year term with a three-year revisit. We thank all of our parents and families for participating in this work, especially those of you who volunteered for intensive group discussions and hospitality.

About Central Catholic

Faithful to our Catholic Tradition, our mission is to witness to the Gospel while building an educational community that inspires the spiritual, academic and social development of young adults.

Central Catholic Students Are:
