The dance courses are all performance based which highlight and present student works, as well as the works of their teachers. Each performance discipline produces at least two major performances a year. The courses are leveled, encompass all grade levels, and are highly comprehensive.
The offered courses fulfill the fine arts requirement for students with dance fulfilling the fine art requirement or the physical education requirement. More important than fulfilling requirements, WE believe that what we do with the disciplines of the arts sails far beyond teaching movement theory, how to play an instrument, how to draw or paint or even transforming students into dramatic characters. WE believe we are helping develop well balanced and creative young people by giving them a particular set of tools through experiencing and developing their own artistic selves.
Our department emphasizes and promotes self-confidence, self-responsibility, positive interaction with others, protocol, etiquette, self-awareness, group dynamics, teamwork, acceptance of the ideas of others, presentation of self, patience, respect and a host of other character building positives. WE are proud that our teachers, Mrs. Elizabeth Swilley & Ms. Morgan McKay, are experts in their fields and have also been working professionals in their discipline for many years.
WE enjoy being able to share our passions in a religious setting and feel blessed to have the opportunity to serve our students. Please check out our online calendar for upcoming performance dates throughout the year.