List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Iracema Velazquez

    Iracema Velazquez 

    Theology Department Chair, Campus Minister
  • Photo of Fr. Ernesto Madrigal

    Fr. Ernesto Madrigal 

  • Photo of Patrick Germann

    Patrick Germann 

  • Photo of Diana Farias

    Diana Farias 

    Music Instructor
WE have a beautiful "Our Lady of Light" chapel to use each day during the week. WE welcome you into this sacred space to pray, read scripture, meditate, and grow in your Catholic faith. Our chapel was built in 1966 and over the decades has had various changes, from orange chairs and bean bags to the wooden pews and lovely stained glass windows you see today. If interested, we have a history of Our Lady of Light chapel link to the left of the screen for you to read.

Mass Etiquette

1. Be in Mass attire: CCHS White / Blue Oxfords (ties for guys)
2. Please walk quietly to Church - focus your thoughts on God.

3. As soon as you enter the church, you should be quiet and
respectful. You are in church to worship- not to visit with friends.
4. After you enter your assigned pew, spend a few moments kneeling
in prayer and focusing your thoughts on God. Be reverent at all

5. Please participate through singing, praying, and sitting up straight
in the pews, and kneeling during specified times of the Mass parts.

6. NO food, drink and chewing gum in the Church.
7. Please NO electronic devices used at Mass.
(Make sure your cell phones are turned off and put away.)

8. Be respectful during the sign of Peace and be silent after
Communion (it's a time for individual prayer with God).
9. NO School items/book bags or lunch bags in the Pews
(leave everything on campus to avoid any distractions and clutter in the Church.)

Pastoral Care

WE are thrilled to announce that Fr. Ernesto Madrigal and seminarian Patrick Germann, who grew up going to Sacred Heart parish in Turlock, will be joining the Central Catholic family this year! Fr. ErnestoPatrick Germann will be on campus on Fridays.

Fr. Ernesto and seminarian Patrick Germann will be available to students before school, during break, and lunch periods to offer spiritual counseling and guidance. They will also be celebrating masses, enriching religious instruction, and collaborating with our Campus Minister to support class retreats and other Central Catholic events.

As an educational institution rooted in the Catholic tradition, WE understand the importance of having clergy members present on campus and look forward to working in consultation with them on all ecclesiastical matters.

About Central Catholic

Faithful to our Catholic Tradition, our mission is to witness to the Gospel while building an educational community that inspires the spiritual, academic and social development of young adults.

Central Catholic Students Are:
