Our Academic Decathlon team competed against 10 other schools in Stanislaus County!
Please join us in celebrating their hard work & success!
5th place overall and 3rd place in the Super Quiz!
Gianni Adamo
Scholastic Essay, 1st place
Scholastic Speech, 1st place
Scholastic Interview, 1st place
Scholastic Economics, 3rd place
Scholastic Science, 4th place
Scholastic Social Sciences, 4th place
Scholastic Literature, 4th place
Daisy Martinez
Varsity Art, 1st place
Varsity Interview, 4th place
Varsity Math, 5th place
Michael Dunn
Honors Science, 4th place
Lance Davis
Varsity Science, 4th place
Varsity Math, 5th place
Zoe Humphrey
Varsity, Speech 3rd place
Varsity Math, 4th place
Varsity Economics, 4th place
Varsity Science, 5th place
Varsity Interview, 5th place
Abigail Humphrey
Scholastic Literature, 4th place
Scholastic Economics, 5th place
Adam Davis
Economics, 3rd place
Literature, 4th place
Bridget Morrow
Essay 5th place
Music, 5th place