Contact Information

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of James Pecchenino

    James Pecchenino 

    President of the Central Catholic Foundation
    (209) 338-2600
  • Photo of Kari Paris

    Kari Paris 

    Foundation Director
    (209) 524-9611 ext. 118

Vineyard Sports Complex

Vineyard Sports Complex

Grand Opening

Grand opening ceremonies were held on February 25, 2022, to dedicate  Central Catholic’s Vineyard Sports Complex. Following remarks by Bruce Sawyer, CCHS former Principal; Robert Fantazia, Chair of the CCHS Foundation, which was responsible for the fundraising for the project; Tom Gallo, whose family generously donated the land; Karie Ladd, daughter of long-time softball coach Betty Ladd; and two students – Abby Castillon, representing Sand Volleyball, and Noelany Ramirez, representing Girls’ Softball; & Father Richard Morse, OSFS, former CCHS Principal and Pastor of St. Mary’s Parish, Oakdale, blessed Ladd Field and the sand volleyball courts. A large crowd of donors, parents and students were there for the event and for the first pitch on the new softball field – thrown by the project contractor, Mike Miranda, to his daughter, CCHS catcher Brooke Miranda.

A big thank you to the many donors who provided over $1 million dollars to build this beautiful facility. Donations are still being accepted to finish developing the area to the south which will be used for soccer and football practice.

CCHS's Vineyard Sports Complex

Central Catholic High School exists to provide an excellent Catholic education that inspires and empowers young men and women while preparing them for success in college and life in general.  As our former principal, Bruce Sawyer, often stated “we are preparing our students for college and Heaven!” In strategically planning for the future our leadership team has outlined a master plan to guide the school. This long-range plan will be completed in phases over the next 1 to 10 years.

Phase One – A view from above of the Vineyard Sports Complex.

“Study after study confirms young people who participate in co-curricular activity, sports especially, are a better fit as adults, live healthier lifestyles, and do better in school.”

Phase One of the project will include a softball field in memory of beloved coach, Betty Ladd, as well as sand volleyball courts and sports fields and the infrastructure necessary to develop the entire site. Leveling, fencing and other preparations are already underway as well as the fields. Funding opportunities are still available for those interested in supporting this project.

Call the CCHS Foundation office, 209-524-6822 for more information.

About Central Catholic

Faithful to our Catholic Tradition, our mission is to witness to the Gospel while building an educational community that inspires the spiritual, academic and social development of young adults.

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