List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Liam Pecchenino

    Liam Pecchenino 

    Constituent Relation & Alumni Coordinator



The CCHS Alumni Association was established in 1992. All graduates and former students are members of the Central Catholic High School Alumni Association. The Alumni Office works to facilitate the participation of alumni in the life of the school and to foster lifelong friendships among alumni.


Saturday - June 14th, 2025 - Reunion

CONNECTIONS: Alumni Magazine

Opportunities to Give Back

Career Day
Each spring Central Catholic High School hosts Career Day. On this day, a number of our alumni, parents and friends of the community return to campus to provide insight into the variety of professions and diverse career paths available to students today. 

Senior Ethics Day
Every year this special event provides a unique opportunity for our Central Catholic students to experience a day of a round table discussion on ethical decision making facilitated by our alumni, parents, and community leaders. For more information, contact Sinh Diep (209) 524-9611 Ext: 109,
The Central Catholic Alumni Association would love to hear from you!  If you or someone you know is an alum of Central Catholic High School and has recently experienced an exciting life update, please let us know by contacting Liam Pecchenino at

Career Day 2023

Central Catholic was pleased to welcome current parent Jeff Breeland on campus Career Day 2023 keynote speaker.  He spoke with our students on his five P’s, which he believes are qualities vital to success in the business world.  Jeff’s message: If you Pray, Prepare, Preform, Preserve, and Persist, you will find successes in your endeavors.  WE offer a special thanks to Mr. Breeland and all our 2023 Career Day speakers.      

About Central Catholic

Faithful to our Catholic Tradition, our mission is to witness to the Gospel while building an educational community that inspires the spiritual, academic and social development of young adults.

Central Catholic Students Are:
